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Website Management and Monitoring

Keep your website up-to-date and safe

We manage the websites that we design and host. Patches, updates, and upgrades are required for web servers and websites, just as they are for your devices’ operating systems and software.

Drison stands apart from the competition because we test your website after every patch, update, and upgrade. We also continually monitor your website to make sure it’s up and running. Our web hosting plan includes website management and monitoring.

Scheduled Website Management

Update development software

Updates to the software that created your website provide fixes to bugs, add new features, increase performance, and protect against security hacks.

We thoroughly test your website following major updates.

Update website security

Our specialized website security software updates provide increased protection against new security threats. We thoroughly test your website following significant security updates.

Run daily backups

We maintain regular backups, ensuring that we can restore your complete website in an emergency. Daily backups are stored locally on the cloud web server, and periodic backups are stored remotely in Google’s cloud storage.

Scan the website for malware

We run regular malware scans to verify the integrity of your website against malicious tampering. Our malware software identifies and blocks malicious traffic, dictionary attacks, web scraping, XMLRPC attacks, and brute force attacks.

Monitor the website to make sure it is running

We use tools to automatically verify that websites are functioning and visible every 5 to 15 minutes. The monitor notifies us within 15 minutes if the website stops working. If there is a problem, don’t worry; we’ll get your site back up and running as soon as possible.